Our firm brings you information about termites, bugs, and other household pests. Use the Pest Library to identify your pests, learn about their characteristics, behaviors and habitats, and find out how to control them.
Include silverfish, termites, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and powderpost beetles.
Includes carpenter ants, crazy ants, carpenter ants, ghost ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants.
Includes black widows, brown recluse, cellar spiders, jumping spiders, and wolf spiders.
There are seven major types of ticks in the U.S. Each species shares similar traits.
Includes stinkbugs, crickets, earwigs, centipedes, millipedes, and more.
Includes yellow jackets, wasps, hornets, bumble bees, cicada killers, and more.
Adults are 1/4″ and reddish brown. Often compared in size and shape to an apple seed.
Includes wood roaches, German cockroaches, American cockroaches, oriental cockroaches, and more.