Identifying Homes
of Stinging Pests
Wasp Nest? Hornet Nest? Or Bee Hive? You can tell wasps, hornets, and bees apart by their bodies, but it can be risky to get close enough to a stinging pest to identify its subtle traits. One of the easier ways to tell stinging pests apart is by their nests–but make sure to observe from a distance! Disturbing a stinging pest’s nest is the easiest way to get stung.
Bee Hives
Bumblebees prefer to nest under things. They’ll take up residence in abandoned animal burrows, or live under a shed. Above ground, they like cooler environments like shaded corners. Some species of bumblebees will build nests in trees.
Honeybees like to nest inside of things, like a hollowed tree or tree stump, or gaps in rocks or architecture (including walls). The honeybee hive is famous for honeycombs. If you see a hive, it will usually be crawling with worker bees who are making delicious honey.
Both bumblebees and honeybees are valuable to the environment. We recommend a beekeeper to remove the nest from your property rather than to destroy it to help pollinate and preserve beloved Michigan fruits and flowers.
Mud Dauber Nests
These generally docile creatures like to have their homes in highly sheltered areas, which means you’re likely to find them inside your garage and shed, or out on your porch. The nests look like pan flutes, with adjoined mud tunnels about 1-inch long.
Mud daubers can sting more than once, but are unlikely to sting at all unless you mess with their nest or threaten them directly. Your pest control professional can help mitigate a mud dauber problem around your home.
Paper Nests
Have you ever done paper mache in art school? Paper wasps, bald faced hornets, and yellow jackets all make their nests from a papery substance created from chewed up wood. All of these nests can be found hanging from trees, under eaves, beneath decks, in your attic, in the walls, and in some cases, even underground.
Each of these stinging pests can sting more than once, and they’re more aggressive than bumblebees, honey bees, or mud daubers.
Any paper nest is not a good sign, and is best treated by a pest control company who has the proper safety equipment and protective gear to get near one.
Getting Rid of Stinging Pests
High quantities of bees, wasps, or hornets flying around your property is a sign that a nest is near. You don’t have to do the risky work of finding the nest yourself. As part of a pest control solution or regular plan, we can help identify, find, and treat your wasp and hornet nests.